真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院

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Thank you very much for everything you did for me while I was in (  ). I very much/greatly/sincerely appreciate your kindness.

Thank you for all your kindness while I was there.

Thank you for the wonderful hospitality you showed me while I was in (  ).

Thank you for so much kindness while I was in (  ).

Thank you for everything. I have brought home many happy/pleasant memories from (  ).

Your warm/hearty hospitality has made my trip very memorable.


「(  )さまが回復に向かっていらっしゃるとうかがい、うれしく思います」
I am glad to hear your (  ) is recovering.

「(  )さまが重病とうかがいました。ご心配のこととお察しいたします」
I have heard your (  ) is very/seriously ill and I can imagine how worried you must be.

「(  )さまがガンとうかがい、心からお見舞いを申し上げます」
I am shocked to hear that your (  ) has cancer. I am sending (you) my heartfelt/best wishes for his/her quick recovery.


「ご新築おめでとう。新築祝いとして(  )をお送りします」
Congratulations on your new house/home. I am sending (  ) as a house-warming gift/present.

How wonderful it was to hear of your marriage! I hope you will live happily for many years to come.
(live happily for many years to comeの代わりにshare a long and happy life togetherでもよい)

It was so good to hear of your marriage. Best wishes to you both for many years of happiness.

「ご結婚おめでとう!結婚のお祝いに(  )を送ります」
Best wishes on your marriage! I am sending you (  ) as a wedding gift.

Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy.


真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院

